Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A pep talk for me

Stress. January. The cold. The economy, the people loosing their jobs. Is January driving you as crazy as it is me. If I have to hear another conversation, another news report, another person say we are "On the verge of another Great Depression" I am gonna scream!!!!!! 

Maybe it is bad. Maybe we are in a recession. Ok, we are. But... you know...maybe we are on the verge of a new beginning too. At the end of something that was fat, and arrogant, and over the top, and on a credit card none of us could afford. Maybe we are at the dawn of innovation. And cars with better gas mileage, and people who live within their means. Maybe this isn't the end of the world as we all know it.  Maybe it's the beginning of something better.

So, instead of the winter blues stifling my creative spirit. Making me wanna sit on the couch and facebook all day long...I'm gonna change my thinking a little. Cause like Bob Dylan said "The times they are a changing". There is a season for everything. And don't forget ...... it may be darkest before the dawn, but after the winter.... comes the spring!!!

Keep your chin up.

Much Love and much better music in the interim.

Brandon Jane

Listening to:
Simon & Garfunkel
Concert in Central Park

1 comment:

PhilB said...

I couldn't agree more. We are on the edge of something great. The music buiness is in transition, but that is great for the independent artist. The economy is changing, but maybe we will finally rid ourselves of overpriced stock and multimillion dollar CEO's.

Life is good and keeps getting better. My job is to believe.

