Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Taking my own Advice

The good Lord knows I can dish it out, so I am taking my own advice this week. All the things I tell friends, and family. I'm finally gonna do myself.

Push Harder
Hold on Longer
No is not an acceptable answer
Take a Nap and a deep breath
When they say you can't do it, politely smile and nod... and then do it anyway.
Stop worrying so much about what other people think
Listen to your mother
and your father
Stop listening to everybody else
Kick the bad out
Let the good in
Laugh when it's funny
STOP fake laughing when it's not
Pray some more
Love with all you can
you do too have time for a walk, you had time for Oprah
Sing from your heart
Listen that small voice, it's there for a reason
Trust yourself.
Kiss him when you feel it...

And for heavens sake.... cut yourself some slack. These are the moments, live in them.


Your type A oldest child bossy self.