Friday, July 30, 2010


I am a songwriter. I put words and music together, in hopes I am excited enough to sing it and you listen long enough to be moved. I usually need help from a co writer and a good idea to make it clear, and beautiful. But, Inspiration is an illusive thing. Sometimes, when I feel I am pressed for it, I can't find it. And days when I need to get somewhere and don't have time for it, it finds me... driving down 1-65 and I can't find a pen fast enough. The funny thing about it, like pretty much everything else in life... is it finds you. You don't find it.

I saw this piece by Elizabeth Gilbert... and if you are a creative sort, I hope you take minute to check it out. She talks about the "muse" and how she has to work so hard for it. Which is how I have felt lately. Waiting for a song to fall out of the sky sitting in a little writing room. Trying to gain perspective on what I want to say. But I love what she says at the end (and if you are going to watch it, you may not wanna keep reading!)... that instead of beating yourself up for getting nothing, or getting something just okay.... Applaud yourself for working, for waiting. For creating something, even if it doesn't change your day, much less the world. Because you have to be there, you have to show up for something to happen. It's so cliche but you have to be present to play, much less win!

I am finding that Patience is one of the many a virtues I have just not mastered yet. Hell, I'm not anywhere close. Just when I think I have given my destiny to God, I wake up the next morning and take it all back forgetting my prayer the night before! But, I am present. And I am working. And more than anything else, I just love music. And I love creating something out of nothing. And when I get up on a stage and sing a melody, I have lived. And I adore... it's worth all those days of trying.


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