Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Peace & Love & Carrott Juice

It's funny how your body has a way of making you slow down and take a break. Mine has taken me to a complete halt and now I am glued to the couch and sentenced antibiotics and carrot juice until I can feel better. I am supposed to be in the studio this week recording my vocals, but apparently that is not going to happen because of the sinus infection that has made my nose comparable to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. At least not today and I am guessing not tomorrow either. but here's hoping.

I signed up for facebook last night, wow is that a whole new can of worms!! Oh my. It's like delving into the thechnological abyss and getting lost. Still trying to figure that one out. May be for a while....

All the recording with Leah is going amazing and we start playing the nursing home circuit soon. Yep, you heard me right. Nursing homes. Who is a more captive audience who won't criticize us for our mistakes and just might need to hear a few Christmas carrolls and "Coldwater Jane" songs before we put ourselves on display for the world to decide of they think we are good or bad. 

We actually used to go and sing at nursing homes when I was a kid. Leah said we are gonna have to "put on our big girl pants" so we don't both start bawling. I will let you know how that one plays out.

Anyway, it's rainy here and I guess, in a certain way a very stereotypical winter day.

Looking forward to being back 100%!!!!!!

Peace & Love and Carrot Juice,

Brandon Jane

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